March 2019 Luncheon

By Charlotte Mecklenburg Republican Women (other events)

Wednesday, March 27 2019 11:30 AM 1:00 PM EDT

Please join us for the CMRW March Luncheon. Becki Gray, Senior Vice President for Outreach, of the John Locke Foundation will be our March Speaker.  Her topic will be  "The NC General Assembly--What Does the Loss of the Super Majority Really Mean?"
Recently, Governor Roy Cooper released his tax and spend 2019-20 budget without the promised collaboration with the House and Senate Leadership. While not rolling back the Republican tax cuts, he encumbers recurring funds such that the state will be vulnerable to meeting the financial challenges of inevitable future economic downturns:  Just a few of proposals include:
    •    $3.9 Billion bond referendum for K-12 and College and University construction--more than double what the NCGA has proposed.

    •    Expanding Medicaid and funding it with a tax on hospitals and healthcare providers.  Nothing more than a transfer of wealth from those of us who provide for our own healthcare.

    •    Prohibiting new enrollees in the Opportunity Scholars program which eliminates school choice for parents of low income and vulnerable students
Without a super majority the NCGA will be forced to negotiate on those and other gubernatorial and Democrat proposals.  What does this mean to  your wallet, voting rights, healthcare and more.


*Your ticket price includes salads, entrees, beverage, coffee and dessert.